- Index Fund

Crypto Exchange
Since crypto World Continue dominating business world so many International Exchanges provide services to trader on global Map. There is many exchange trader can select to start their trading in Crypto currency world here we will study how to start and which crypto Exchanges will be suitable for traders.
There is two types of Crypto Exchanges right now dominating business world.
- Domestic Exchange
- International
Registration Process
Step1 : Select your most convenient Crypto exchanges either domestic service providers or international crypto platform and signup with your email ID.
Step2 : Follow the On-screen instructions and provide necessary information. Your email address will be used to send you a confirmation link so after your sign up verify your email ID with that confirmation link received in your email Inbox.
Step3 : Click on the Continue button. An email verification containing a one-time password (OTP) will be sent to your registered email. Check your inbox to confirm your registration.
Step4 : Enter the OTP on the Exchange website.
Step5 : Create your password for the Exchange and click Submit (Please do not disclose that Password to anyone)
Step6 : Provide date of Birth, Country of residence and contact number make sure make sure you’re eligible for this business. Users must be at least 18 years old. In this last step you can verify your phone number select the area code of your country using the dropdown, then input your phone number (without the area code). You will be sent an SMS verification after receive that Code need to enter on webpage and now you done your process to start your journey.
Here are few leading Crypto exchange they are leading this industry from many years with wide range of Crypto coins. You can simple signup with your free account and start your Journey.